Jhonni Rochelle Charisse Carr, PhD
Conintuing Lecturer of Spanish Linguistics
Department of Spanish & Portuguese, UC Berkeley

Tu barrio
Brief description
One of the first activities I assigned students was a survey of their impressions to assess prior knowledge and get them thinking about languages and signage in their own neighborhoods. After describing their impressions in terms of the cultures and languages of their neighborhoods, they reflect on their linguistic landscapes and soundscapes. Finally, students are asked to take 1-3 pictures of displayed language that they think represent their neighborhoods and to be ready to describe why they selected those signs and what they “say” about their neighborhoods. The answers to this final question are posted in a discussion thread for all to see and learn from.
I generally give students about a week (or at least time over the weekend) to complete the activity so that they are able to deeply reflect on their own impressions and also walk around to observe signage and take a few pictures.
Sample student instructions in English
Tu barrio
Answer the following questions without conducting research or consulting other sources.
What is the name of the neighborhood in which you live as you are studying in Berkeley. How long have you been living there?
Describe your first impressions of this neighborhood in terms of the different cultures and languages that are spoken there.
How have your impressions changed as you have you lived there?
If you had to guess, what is the linguistic composition of your neighborhood?
¿Qué porcentaje de personas estimas que hablan un idioma distinto al inglés?
¿Qué porcentaje estimas que habla español?
¿Qué porcentaje de personas habla bien o muy bien inglés?
¿Qué porcentaje de personas no habla bien inglés o no lo habla para nada?
Is there a lot of written language (signs, posters, commercial advertisements, billboards, graffiti) displayed in the public space of your neighborhood? Are languages besides English visibly present? Which ones? Where do they normally occur (types of stores or location)?
What languages do you hear in the street as you walk through your neighborhood? How do these compare to what you see in signs?
Answer the final question after answering the previous questions:
7. Take one to three pictures of visible language that, for you, represent your neighborhood, and post them in this Discussion thread.
Then explain: Why did you select these signs? What do you think these signs reflect about your neighborhood?
Be ready to give a mini presentation (2-3 minutes) on Tuesday to share your signs and what you think they represent about your neighborhood or community.
Sample student instructions in Spanish
Tu barrio
Sin realizar ninguna investigación previa, responde las siguientes preguntas.
¿En qué barrio vives mientras estudias en Berkeley? ¿Cuánto tiempo tienes viviendo en este vecindario?
Describe tu primera impresión de tu vecindario en relación con las diferentes culturas e idiomas que se hablan.
¿Cómo ha cambiado tu impresión de tu barrio desde que viviste allí?
Si tuvieras que adivinar, ¿cuál sería la composición lingüística de tu barrio?
¿Qué porcentaje de personas estimas que hablan un idioma distinto al inglés?
¿Qué porcentaje estimas que habla español?
¿Qué porcentaje de personas habla bien o muy bien inglés?
¿Qué porcentaje de personas no habla bien inglés o no lo habla para nada?
- ¿Hay mucho lenguaje escrito (letreros, carteles, anuncios comerciales, vallas publicitarias, grafitis) exhibido en el espacio público de tu vecindario? ¿Hay otros idiomas además del inglés visiblemente presentes? ¿Qué idiomas están presentes? ¿Dónde ocurren normalmente (tipos de tiendas o ubicaciones)?
- ¿Qué idiomas escuchas en la calle mientras caminas por tu barrio? ¿Cómo se comparan con los idiomas que ves en los letreros?
Después de contestar las preguntas anteriores, responde la última pregunta:
7. Toma de una a tres fotos de lenguaje visible que para ti representen tu barrio, y publícalas en este hilo de Discussions.
Después explica: ¿Por qué las escogiste? ¿Qué crees que reflejan estos letreros sobre tu barrio?
Prepárate para hacer una mini presentación (2-3 minutos) el martes para compartir los letreros y lo que crees que representan sobre tu barrio o comunidad.
Other ideas
Students gave brief presentations in class regarding the last question. During the first iteration of presentations, I projected the Discussion thread; however, due to different image sizes, I later changed the activity to a shared Google Slides presentation in which each student posted their pictures to their own slide. I would recommend trying both and seeing what works best for you.
This type of survey would be equally interesting to conduct again at the end of the semester to see how what students observe and how they observe it has changed.